Dr. Laverson believes your result should feature breast size ideally proportioned with your body, and that you’re pleased with. Shape should be natural, round, sensuous, and should fit with your chest, shoulders, and abdomen. Your size and shape should not be fake or obvious, unless you want them to be. Your implants should be positioned for cleavage with a bra, avoiding excessive distance between your breasts. There should be an aesthetic relationship between your well defined gently projecting nipple, the encircling gently raised pigmented areolar disc, and the surrounding rotund projecting breast mound. From the clavicle (collarbone) above there’s a smooth, downward and forward progressively increasing awareness to the rotund envelope that suspends fullness of the breast volume on the chest, terminating as the bowl shaped infra-mammary fold extending from center down across the chest surface to both sides. Texture of the breasts should be soft. Mobility of the breast should be comfortable. Symmetry (right and left sides similar), obscure scars, nipple sensation, and absence of implant related factors such as rippling and wrinkling are also important. Your breasts should fit your personality, and should be as elegant, graceful, seductive, and/or conservatively feminine as you want to be.