Aesthetic Breast Procedures San Diego

Breast Health

Aesthetic (cosmetic) breast procedures should be performed in the context of healthy, normal breasts.

Be aware of your own body by regular self-examination

Know your family history and your risk for breast cancer.
  • If breast or ovarian cancer is in your family, consider genetic testing to assess your own personal risk.
  • Painful breast nodules during menses are usually not dangerous.  Your doctor may recommend aspiration, analgesics, or other medication. 
  • Breastfeeding your baby is advised by many experts.  Breastfeeding can lower breast cancer risk.
  • Breast cancer develops in one of every nine to ten American women in their lifetime.  Early detection is important for survival.  Monthly breast self-examination is advised several days after menses.  Use both hands to carefully feel all areas.   Report changes to your doctor.
  • Screening mammograms are advised annually beginning at age 40 or maybe earlier if you are at high risk or if you find a new nodule or lump on breast self-exam.  Dr. Laverson advises a baseline mammogram for women aged 38 and older before cosmetic breast surgery.  Any abnormality on your own self-exam, change in the appearance of the breasts, skin or nipple dimpling, nipple drainage, new lump, mass, or density should be reported to your physician.
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Aesthetic Breast Procedures

Aesthetic breast surgery is performed on essentially normal breasts for improved comfort, appearance, and/or proportion.  Reconstructive breast surgery is performed to improve or correct breast problems that are considered abnormal.

Millions of women each year with normal breasts choose to adjust their breast size, shape, and proportion by aesthetic surgery.  

Breast Cosmetic Procedures include:

Minor breast lift, nipple eversion, nipple reduction, and/or areola reduction are cosmetic breast procedures that can be performed in the office under local anesthesia with minimal discomfort and quick recovery.

Reconstructive Breast Procedures

For women whose breasts are abnormally large, mismatched, or lost to disease, reconstructive breast surgery offers restoration.  

Reconstructive procedures are performed to replace absent breast tissue (developmental or after mastectomy), improve large size differences (asymmetry) between right and left breast, to reduce the size and weight of overgrown, heavy, burdensome breasts (reduction mammaplasty), to correct inverted nipples and other nipple problems, and for other indications.  

Breast Reconstructive Procedures include:

  • Replacement of a missing breast by tissue expansion
  • Replacement of a missing breast by moving skin and fat from another area of the body to the chest
  • Augmentation or shaping an abnormal breast by fat transfer
  • Reducing abnormally large breasts that are causing physical discomfort
  • Symmetrizing breasts that match poorly in size, shape, and/or position on the chest


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