Chin Augmentation and Facial Implants: Expert Chin Surgery in San Diego

Chin Augmentation and Chin Implants Surgeon in San Diego

Chin Augmentation with an implant

A dramatic lifetime difference

Individual features determine physical attractiveness, but relationships among features is also important. Chin Augmentation with an implant is a minor office procedure that, alone or in combination with rhinoplasty or other procedures, can make a dramatic lifetime difference in your facial dimensions and how the world sees you.  Implant chin augmentation projects the forward-most and, if desired, downward-most extent of your lower jaw for more prominence and angularity.  Visual relationships between your jaw and other facial elements may be improved.  Projecting landmarks of the face such as chin, cheeks, nose, and brows should aesthetically harmonize.  No single feature should dominate.  Contour of your chin is related to shape and size of the lower jaw, and relationship between upper and lower jaws.   If your chin appears weak compared to your nose, cheeks, or brows, chin implant insertion is a nice long lasting way to balance your proportions. Because it’s an office procedure, most are surprised at how easy this solution is.

At Feel Beautiful in San Diego, we specialize in both chin and facial plastic surgery to help you achieve your ideal look. Feel Beautiful offers chin augmentation and chin implants to enhance your chin structure and improve your overall facial harmony. If you’re interested in chin reduction or facial implants, our cosmetic enhancement procedures are designed to deliver natural, stunning results. From the initial consultation to the implant procedure, we focus on your comfort and satisfaction every step of the way. Our facial plastic surgery experts are skilled in both chin reshaping and facial implants, ensuring that your chin and facial features complement each other perfectly. With a range of implant procedures and cosmetic enhancements available, Feel Beautiful is your go-to destination for Chin Augmentation and Facial Implants surgery and transformative results in San Diego.

Video results for two patients:

Dr. Laverson uses premium quality biocompatible solid silicone (Implantech®, AART®) or POREX® porous polyethylene implants (Stryker® maxillofacial)

These are bathed in antibiotic(s) and antiseptic, then inserted through a small imperceptible surgical access, symmetrically positioned, and snugly secured for predictable, natural results.  Procedures are accomplished in the office under local anesthesia or, if accompanied by other procedures, under general anesthesia.  Implant(s) are selected to match your facial bones and your desired result.  When you are numb, delicate plastic surgical techniques are incorporated to develop a precise pocket directly upon the surface of your mandible, the lower jaw bone.  This pocket lies beneath a layer of “periosteum,” the connective tissue membrane that adheres closely to skeletal surfaces.  Periosteum is carefully separated from your bone under direct vision to establish space for the implant.  Placing your implant beneath periosteum insures a measure of stability and camouflage, so your implant is not expected to move, and unlikely to be seen and/or felt.  Implant placement within the pocket is performed aseptically (to avoid infection), precisely for symmetry between right and left sides, and delicately to avoid injuring surrounding nerves, muscles, skin, and other structures.  Irrigation with antiseptic and confirmation of proper implant positioning is followed by skin edge approximation and closure in several layers for durability, and under magnification with surgical optics for the least visible scar.  Chin augmentation is often performed with other enhancements such as rhinoplasty or necklift.

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chin implant surgeon san diego chin implant procedure
Chin Implant Placement Centrally Upon Bone at Front of Lower Jaw

Video details of chin implant procedure

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