10 Breast Augmentation Recovery Tips

Ten Points During Recovery from Breast Augmentation and Breast Implant Surgery


Secure a ride home after surgery, and someone to stay with you for at least the first 24 hours, preferably the first 48 hours.

Plan a caregiver for yourself and for your children if necessary. Arranging these details before breast augmentation improves your experience.

Don’t use pain medication on an empty stomach. Eating crackers, toast, or other small items may prevent nausea.

Preparation is key! Do your grocery shopping ahead of time and have meals prepared for your family if that is among tasks they depend upon you.

Sleep on your back or on your sides. No stomach sleeping. You won’t likely do this anyway because of related pain, but if you do, implants may displace.

Sleep wherever is most comfortable for you, likely your own bed. If it’s more comfortable for you sitting, try a recliner or sofa with pillows.

Advance your diet as you are able. Drink water and/or other fluids.

Pain medicine can cause nausea, and if you don’t drink enough water because of nausea, it may become dehydrated.

Constipation is possible and usually related to your pain medication and anesthesia. Prevention is the best treatment, so only use as much medication as needed.

Colace (100mg twice a day is a gentle stool softener) or Milk of Magnesia (30cc once or twice a day is a gentle laxative). These medications are available over the counter at most drug stores. Eat fiber-containing foods, or use Metamucil brand psyllium seed, FiberCon brand, or another source of fiber supplementation. Dr. Laverson prescribes Movantik® and/or other medications to promote normal bowel activity if needed.

Avoid strenuous activity after your procedure. Exercise and physical work should resume and progress as you’re able to do so without pain.

Heavy lifting and strenuous activity following breast augmentation can result in postoperative complications, but at the same time, physical INactivity may cause depression, weakness, and delay your physical and psychological recovery. Consult with Dr. Laverson for specific questions. Follow his instructions.

If you develop a rash or think you’re having an allergic reaction, call Dr. Laverson immediately.

A rash or itching skin following surgery may be caused by adhesives, sanitizing prep solutions, antibiotics, and, less commonly, pain medication. Call Dr. Laverson for an evaluation if you notice a rash, blotchy redness, itching, or other skin change.

Avoid using over the counter scar creams or ointments on the incision after surgery.

These preparations may irritate the skin or cause an allergic reaction. Dr. Laverson will advise you about scar care at the appropriate time, usually several weeks after your procedure when your wounds appear to be healing well, and the scar is just beginning to develop.

Expect to swell for weeks to months. An entire year may elapse for your breasts to assume their final shape, size, and position.

Every woman’s body, breasts, and experience is different. Expect most swelling during the first several weeks following breast augmentation. The definition of the breasts improves, texture softens, and shape settles gradually during subsequent months.

Maintain optimism and a positive attitude.

Healing is as much psychological and mental as it is physical. Adjust expectations as necessary. You may not heal as quickly as anticipated. You may be disappointed with one or more aspects of your result. Do not let negativity consume you. Restore normality in your life. Dr. Laverson wants a PERFECT result for you. Realize, however, that there IS NO PERFECTION. Breast implants are not perfect devices. The human body was not designed to have implants behind the breast. Sometimes, events or situations happen before or after surgery that cause anxiety or depression. Reach for support to your family and friends as appropriate. Be frank with Dr. Laverson about ongoing issues, and rest assured, he is absolutely committed to your safety, to your satisfaction, and to the best possible experience for you.

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