Smooth Facial Lines of Worry, Concern, Anger, and Age
Yes, we CAN smooth your forehead lines (or eliminate them), no matter how deep they are or how long you’ve had them.
Sometimes, it’s just a brief office treatment with “neuromodulator” medication. If you are older, have deeper creases, or desire perfect smoothness, additional measures may be indicated such as injectable filler(s), laser or chemical peel, or surgery. Dr. Laverson has among the largest personal experience with these medications, and brings anatomical and aesthetic understanding unique to expert plastic surgeons. Injection is easy and available from many providers, but beautiful brow shaping, avoiding overtreatment, and achieving the longest possible effect with the lowest dose require greater effort and knowledge.
Dr. Laverson treats subject muscles with precision and delicacy to achieve desired results. The most commonly treated lines and creases include dynamic “squint”, “anger”, and “worry” lines between eyebrows, horizontal “surprise” lines across the forehead, and “crow’s feet” smile lines lateral to eyelids. For treatment in these areas, Dr. Laverson uses only FDA approved neuro-modulators such as Botox®, Dysport®, or Xeomin®. These highly purified medications soften and smooth moderate to severe dynamic lines of expression between eyebrows, across the forehead, and in the crow’s feet area without changing the look of your whole face. You’ll still be able to express yourself, but without the harsh creases!