Studies prove the judgment and experience women have about their intimates affects comfort, confidence, clothing choices, connection with partners, and life experience. When large, irregular, redundant, or otherwise distinctive labia (outer female genitalia, in medical terminology, her “vulva.”) cause physical discomfort, self-awareness, or reluctance, daily performance and quality of life are affected. The labiaplasty procedure at Feel Beautiful Plastic Surgery adjusts labia size and appearance according to each woman’s preferences, promoting comfort and self-assurance. We perform labiaplasty differently for every woman because every woman is different and unique. The procedure is designed for your situation and to meet your needs.
Labiaplasty is a minor surgery for adjustment of size, shape, symmetry, and appearance of female labia. Most often, labiaplasty reduces inner lips of the vulva, the labia minora. Labiaplasty can also lift, reduce, or enlarge and puff up the outer hair-bearing labia (the labia majora). If skin folds conceal the glans clitoris, reduction of the “clitoral hood” may improve sensitivity and sexual experience. All labiaplasty procedures done by Dr. Laverson are designed and accomplished for naturally appearing improved contours of intimates, increased comfort, and a tidier, more aesthetically suitable appearance.
Labiaplasty is an awake procedure accomplished in our Rancho Santa Fe office in accordance with the highest standards of safety, hygiene, privacy, and comfort. Pre-medication is provided for relaxation. Topically applied anesthetic numbs sensitive areas and local anesthesia completes the numbing process. Recovery lasts 5-10 days depending on how extensive the procedure and individual response. For the best healing, physically strenuous activity should be avoided for at least two weeks. No sex after labiaplasty until comfortable, usually four weeks or longer. See Labiaplasty Techniques and Results.
Labiaplasty and Chin Implant
“I had a wonderful experience with Dr. Laverson and his staff. They were very hands on and I love the results! Definitely a wonderful surgeon and if ever I decide to have another cosmetic procedure again, would definitely go to Dr. Laverson.”
-MT, Registered Nurse, San Diego, CA
Long labia and/or bulky labia cause discomfort, may be a frequent distraction, and/or may show through tight fitting or performance gear.
There exists a wide variation in normal labia anatomy. Excess labia may be irregularly shaped. There may be more on one side or the other. Excess may be distributed in only one part of the labia, either the front, the center, or much less commonly toward the back.
In planning labiaplasty, differences between right and left sides are considered. If one side is larger or longer to begin with, that side will be reduced more than the smaller side for symmetry.
If excess is distributed along the entire length of the labia from front to back, the trim technique may be most appropriate. If excess skin is localized to one area, then modified wedge labiaplasty is preferred.
Labiaplasty is individually designed and accomplished based on the presenting appearance, how the problem is affecting you, and your desired labiaplasty results. Our very first part of the procedure is careful marking of labiaplasty skin to be removed with agreement between patient and doctor. You’ll see the markings in the mirror and approve before anything is done. Then the marked areas are gently anesthetized so labiaplasty is comfortable. Although anxiety and fear surround labiaplasty for many women, it is usually an easy procedure. Disability following labiaplasty lasts one week or longer. Studies confirm that the vast majority of women having labiaplasty enjoy benefits from the procedure and are pleased with the results.
Expert labiaplasty surgery requires skilled reduction and artistic, feminine re-shaping of the labia minora (“nymphae”). The nymphae are soft, pliable, erectile, sensitive ridges of skin. They partially cover and emerge from the glans clitoris in front, surround the urethral opening (“meatus”) and the vaginal introitus (entrance) centrally, and then become smaller toward the back, to reunite again as the “posterior fourchette.” Labia minora skin folds have an outer dry side and distal edge with a roughened (rugated) surface and an inner side that becomes pink and moist toward its base. The outer dry side is pink, or pigmented like surrounding skin. Skin on the edge is often more darkly pigmented, and inner labial skin is more thin, delicate, and specialized, with glands for lubrication. In front, labia minora divides into two folds, including the prepuce of the clitoris (clitoral hood) and the inner frenula, which unite in the midline at the clitoral base. The back third of the labia minora (toward the posterior fourchette and perineum) gradually becomes more thin and shortened, sometimes to disappear completely into skin of the labia majora.
Labia minora skin folds protect sensitive and delicate central structures (clitoris, urethral opening, and vaginal entrance), maintain moisture of vestibular surfaces, and prevent fecal contamination of the genito-urinary tract. Excess labia beyond what is needed for protection is unnecessary, and can be uncomfortable. Surgical trimming, re-shaping, and re-arranging labial excess doesn’t interfere with sexual, reproductive, or excretory functions. Innervation of remaining labial surfaces remains unchanged provided surgical technique accommodates sensory function. Vaginal and clitoral orgasm is unaffected by labiaplasty and other superficial procedures of labia minora, labia majora, and clitoral hood. Sexual experience is usually improved after labiaplasty. Circulation of genital skin is abundant, which facilitates complication free healing.
Why Do Women Get Labiaplasty? What if too much labia is removed? What about the Barbie look? Why are labia outside the vagina? How does labiaplasty improve sex?
Women choose labiaplasty for improved comfort and/or appearance. Labia minora specialized skin folds protect the clitoris and the moist vaginal inroitus. Labia separate outer durable and dry skin from inner moist delicate urine (urethral meatus) and vaginal openings. Labia minora also separate two entirely different microbial environments (microbiomes), the outer perineal flora from the inner vaginal lactobacillus, bifidobacterium, and other species. Labia minora help maintain pH differences between the outer skin and inner vagina. Inner and outer vaginal lips are the first barrier between the outside world and the urinary and reproductive tracts to the inside of the peritoneal cavity through the Fallopian tubes and fimbriae. Labia barrier function is important, so labia minora should not be completely removed. Doing so (“Barbie” labiaplasty) may result in dryness, itching, vaginitis, urinary tract infections, and other issues.
Women with large labia minora may be distracted by projection of lips beyond clothing edges, by friction, by skin folds trapped beneath tight clothing, by hygienic issues, and by discomfort during sexual intercourse. Women often object to labia minora that are asymmetric (one side larger than the other) or hang below labia majora. If the length, bulk, visibility, or sensibility of these parts are objectionable to their owner, labiaplasty offers a permanent solution that many women have embraced. Some declare that labiaplasty has been life-changing. For women who are self-aware of their labia, a small change to more proportionate size and more delicate shape may improve comfort and confidence of athletic competition in performance wear, dance wear, or lingerie. Labiaplasty often improves sexual experience by removing distraction from large folds, facilitating hygiene, improving sensation to stimulation, and by promoting confidence.
Labiaplasty was easy, and I’m much more comfortable. I just wish I hadn’t waited so long to do it.
Jennifer B, Carlsbad
Although standard techniques are described, Dr. Laverson individualizes his approach depending on your presentation and your desired result. For labia minora (inner lips), some variation of the trim or “modified wedge” technique is applied. An individually designed sculpted trim or extended wedge are good alternatives depending on your pigment distribution, preferred result, and the shape of your labia. Because each woman presents differently and has a particular idea of what she wants, like most plastic surgery procedures, labiaplasty is adjusted for your unique situation for the outcome you want.
Your desired result will be demonstrated with a surgical marker so you’ll understand the proposed procedure in advance. Sensation and function are preserved, and appearance is improved. Unlike many surgeons, Dr. Laverson performs these procedures with optical magnification to achieve precision in every aspect of labiaplasty. The modified wedge or trim procedures and labia majora lift we favor offers a trim feminine appearance with no visible scar and matches darker skin areas with other darker areas and pink areas to pink areas for a natural appearance. Surface textural features are also matched. Occasionally, removal of more labia in a second procedure is necessary. If so, it is a lesser and easier procedure for both doctor and patient than the initial labiaplasty, and is far preferable to over-reducing by removing excessive portions or amputating the labia at an initial procedure. Genitalia are critically important parts that must be preserved and protected.
Visible scars, nodularity, irregularity, hypersensitivity, and deformity are avoided. Pigment transition from darker outer skin to pink inner labial and vaginal surfaces are aligned imperceptibly. Rough dry skin is aligned with rough dry skin and smooth pink skin coapted with smooth pink skin.
If clitoral stimulation is limited by excessive skin covering, reduction of the clitoral hood usually improves sexual response. This is a safe procedure when properly performed.
Other requested changes include labia majora enlargement, reduction, or lift, laser hair removal, labial de-pigmenting, and liposuction, reduction, or lifting of enlarged mons pubis.
Labiaplasty of the labia minora is the most common vaginal rejuvenation procedure. While there are standard techniques for trimming and contouring the labia, Dr. Laverson adopts an individualized approach for each woman. Advanced specialized surgical techniques are applied to enhance comfort and create a more youthful, revitalized vaginal appearance.
Often, Dr. Laverson incorporates some variation of a “wedge procedure,” to remove the central most elongated segment of labia minora. A carefully measured and marked wedge-shaped extra portion of the labia is removed without adversely affecting labia function, sensitivity, or sexual response. Remaining delicate labial folds are skillfully and artistically rearranged, matched, and coapted to preserve trim, naturally appearing, symmetric leaves of labia minora. For some women, a “trim procedure” is more appropriate. This technique involves reduction of outer labial edges and coapting more delicate usually pink inner and outer surfaces of labia minora along the entire length from front to back. Some combination of the wedge and trim approaches is sometimes best, depending on presenting situation and her preferred result.
Dr. Laverson’s customized labiaplasty of the labia minora refines contours and results in a more petite profile that appears and feels soft, feminine, and natural.
Labiaplasty of the labia majora, also known as labia majora-plasty, involves surgical reduction and re-contouring of the outer, hair-bearing labia. Some women grow prominent or large labia majora during adolescence. Others develop enlargement or loose extra labia majora skin as a result of aging, parturition (childbirth), multiple births, weight changes, or a combination of these. Labia majora-plasty reduces extra labial size, redundancy, or bulging and may improve related sweating, irritation, painful intercourse, or other symptoms caused by excessive labia fullness or sagging skin.
Labiaplasty of the labia majora may involve liposuction, fat transfer, Scultra(R) poly-L-lactic acid augmentation, skin removal to trim the labia majora, and/or other techniques. Dr. Laverson originated the “Nike® Swoosh” labia majora lift for elevation of long loose and/or sagging labia majora folds. Skin removal reduces size by removing a keel- or Nike® Swoosh-shaped portion of labia majora and concealing the closure at visual anatomic boundaries within the vulva or at the top of the thighs. Resulting scars are usually invisible and undetectable after healing. Absorbable sutures close the labia, so there are no visible stitches and no need for suture removal. Fat grafting, liposuction, and other measures are added for re-sizing or re-shaping as needed.
Dr. Laverson designs labiaplasty procedures individually for each woman’s preferences and desired outcome. In all cases, preservation of sensation and function is a priority for health, for comfort, for pleasure, and for aesthetic appeal.
Part of the procedure is pigment and skin texture matching and would closure to camouflage scars well enough that they fade to obscurity or invisibility over time. Studies have shown that observers of female intimates cannot distinguish between women who had labiaplasty and those who have not. In the unusual circumstance that scars or other evidence of surgery exists, Dr. Laverson revises to improve or correct the problem, usually in a minor office procedure at no additional cost to you.
YES, remaining labia will be sensate. Labiaplasty is conducted to preserve tactile perception and sexual function.
Every person is different and exactly how yours will be affected is unpredictable. However, scientific data suggests increased confidence with partners, a shorter time to orgasm, more intense orgasm, and improved overall sexual experience following labiaplasty.
We avoid this problem in advance by planning the procedure with each patient, offering you maximal control over your body and how your labiaplasty is accomplished. If after healing however, you notice asymmetries, scar, irregularities, or other elements you dislike, return for follow up appointment in our Rancho Santa Fe office. Improvement and/or a solution will be planned and scheduled, most often at no additional cost to you.
Upon arrival in our office, before marking your skin, topical anesthesia numbs the treatment area. After marking, local anesthesia offers complete comfort during your labiaplasty procedure. Medication to help you relax further is also available if needed. Besides improving appearance and comfort, Dr. Laverson accomplishes a durable repair, facilitating healing and early return to normal activity. Apply a pad daily until there is no longer spotting (usually one week). We recommend our post-labiaplasty care, and provide you with supplies. This includes Dermoplast® 20% benzocaine anesthetic spray for pain relief, TUCKS® medicated (Witch Hazel) pads, and perineal spray wash for sensitive healing tissues to use at home after your procedure. We also prescribe mild narcotic analgesics (codeine, hydrocodone, or oxycodone with acetaminophen) to control discomfort, and antibiotic ointment to apply daily after gentle bathing. Trauma to the perineum should be avoided until pain and tenderness resolve, usually four to six weeks.
REFRESH waterless intimate care is a premium product to apply conveniently from your purse, highly recommended for daily care of active women.
Post Labiaplasty Kit will go home with you.
Labiaplasty is an outpatient procedure that generally takes 2-3 hours. Dr. Laverson’s approach includes advanced plastic surgical techniques, reinforced closures for durability, optical magnification for precision, and multiple types of anesthesia which may extend the duration of surgery, but adds comfort. Swelling after labiaplasty causes a strange appearance and disproportion, so ignore the distortion for about ten days. By then the area appears more normal. Return to work is usually a few days but may be longer if your job requires demanding physical exertion or activity. Sex, sports, and fitness three to five weeks after labiaplasty, or whenever comfortable.
Recovery from surgery is rarely pleasant, but the above measures minimize discomfort and facilitate the best post-labiaplasty experience possible.
Labiaplasty is ideal for women experiencing physical discomfort, lifestyle limitations, or aesthetic concerns related to enlarged or asymmetrical labia. You may be a good candidate if you:
Experience irritation, chafing, or discomfort during exercise, intimate activities, or while wearing fitted clothing.
Have difficulty with sports like cycling, running, or horseback riding due to excess labial tissue.
Feel self-conscious about the size, shape, or symmetry of your labia.
Have noticed changes after childbirth or aging, such as stretched or redundant labia minora.
Are in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the procedure and recovery.
A consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon will assess your concerns, medical history, and goals. In some cases, if labiaplasty is not the best option, a referral to a specialist may be recommended for alternative treatments.
While labiaplasty is a popular procedure for reshaping the labia, other vaginal rejuvenation options are available in San Diego. Vaginoplasty is a surgical option for tightening the vaginal canal, often sought by women after childbirth.
For those looking for non-surgical solutions, advanced treatments like laser vaginal rejuvenation and radiofrequency therapy help stimulate collagen production, improving vaginal tightness, lubrication, and overall comfort. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections can also enhance sensitivity and sexual function. Some patients opt for clitoral hood reduction or fat transfer to refine aesthetics and sensation.
Several plastic surgeons and aesthetic specialists in the San Diego and La Jolla areas offer these treatments, ensuring personalized care based on individual needs. Consulting with a qualified provider can help determine the best approach for optimal results.
Dr. Steve Laverson is a board-certified plastic surgeon with 30+ years of experience in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. He specializes in precision labiaplasty, ensuring natural, functional, and aesthetically refined results.
Certifications & Expertise
Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery
Trained at Johns Hopkins, UCLA, Stanford, and USC
Performed 50,000+ successful procedures
If you’re burdened or distracted by discomfort from extra large or long labia or you’re hoping for a smaller, tidier intimate profile that appears natural, more delicate, trim, and is easier hygienically, labiaplasty may help. Call Dr. Steve Laverson at Feel Beautiful Plastic Surgery in San Diego (Rancho Santa Fe), (858) 295-4001 for labiaplasty consultation.
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