Brazilian Butt Lift San Diego | BBL | Butt Lift Surgeon

Increase Fullness, Roundness & Projection Of Your Buttocks With a Brazilian Butt Lift in San Diego

Feel Beautiful Plastic Surgery San Diego

What is a BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift)?

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery in San Diego is the process of removing fat by liposuction from areas where reduction is desired (fat removal to narrow and shrink waist size, also sometimes other areas of the back, thighs and/or abdomen) and fat transfer of that harvested fat into the buttocks for augmentation.  The fat cells live in their new location, grow, and last a lifetime. When properly performed, the results of a brazilian butt lift surgery procedure are natural-looking, reliable, and may dramatically feminize body shape.  

Also known as gluteoplasty, brazilian butt lift surgery (BBL) is a multi-step procedure lasting two to four hours, depending on the number of areas harvested and the volume of  fat transfer.  At Feel Beautiful San Diego Cosmetic Clinic, Dr. Laverson plans BBL Brazilian Butt Lift according to your wishes, and with surgical precision and artistry. Here’s what you can expect at your brazilian butt lift procedure: 

  • Surgical Planning and Marking on Your Body – A discussion at consultation in our San Diego plastic surgery center about the size and shape changes you want, how much fat you have available for transfer, how the procedure will be performed, the garments and positioning required after butt lift (BBL), and what result you may anticipate.  The day of surgery, Dr. Laverson marks specific areas on your buttocks with your agreement in the mirror indicating areas where fat-transfer will create your  beautiful shape and contours in preparation for a brazilian butt lift surgery.
  • Anesthesia – General anesthesia is our preference for your safety and comfort for the brazilian butt lift procedure. 
  • Liposuction (fat harvesting) – Using the powered Acquicell fat harvesting system, Dr. Laverson carefully and steadily removes unwanted fat from “donor areas:” your waist, flanks, abdomen, thighs, or love handles and suctions it into a specialized sterile container for preservation, purification, and for  reinjection into your buttocks.  Donor areas are then closed and sealed with sutures and tape.
  • Fat transfer – When sufficient fat has been harvested to reduce your donor sites to a nice shape and to augment your buttocks, fat in the container is pumped through sterile Lipo-Loop tubing  at a steady rate into desired areas over and around your buttocks. Once the fat has been injected and the desired size and shape is achieved, Dr. Laverson seals access sites and applies specialized brazilian butt lift surgery procedure (BBL) shapewear for your recovery. Access sites for liposuction are small and leave little or no visible scar.  Fat transfer scars are also well concealed, and rarely detectable.

Professional Photography of Feel Beautiful BBL Patients, Courtesy of Studio92037

San Diego Butt Augmentation Procedure Choices

Plastic surgeons first visualize the result, then apply techniques to reduce excesses, augment deficiencies, and reposition tissue to achieve the most satisfactory end result possible.  Because of its success, Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is growing in popularity.  Buttocks are soft, supportive, mobile, and  subject to pressure when sitting or laying on your back.  Brazilian butt lift procedures to enhance buttock size and shape must be performed in the context of maintaining mobility, support, and protective functions.   The selected technique should be as reliable, complication free, and predictable as possible.

Currently there are five techniques, separately or together, for visual buttock augmentation.  Many factors influence the preferred approach.

Strength Training

First, the gluteus maximus muscle of the buttocks is the largest muscle of the body.  Strength training is an alternative to Brazilian butt lift surgery, but takes time and energy. Enlarging this muscle by a strength training program is a good first step that is natural, effective, and complication free. 

Fat Removal (Liposuction)

Second, if the waist can be narrowed by weight loss and/or removal of fat (liposuction), waist to hip ratio diminishes so that adjacent buttocks appear larger.  This is also healthy and complication free. Liposuction to reduce the waist and flanks is a ninety minute procedure with a brief recovery.


Third, if the patient has excess buttock skin from aging, weight fluctuation, poor skin elasticity, or a combination of these, dermolipectomy (surgical removal of skin and fat) lifts soft tissue of the buttocks.  Remaining skin and fat contours over the gluteus muscles to improve buttock shape.  Dermolipectomy results in a transverse scar in the panty line across the sides and back above the buttocks or a scar in the crease below the buttocks, a distinct disadvantage of the procedure. Mobility and sitting are delayed after dermolipectomy to promote healing.  Recovery to an active lifestyle is two to three months.

Shaped Buttock Implant
Shaped Buttock Implant

Injectable Fillers

Fourth, for very thin and/or lean individuals, there may not be sufficient fat of waist and flanks to augment the buttocks. An off the shelf injectable filler or implant may be the only source of significant volume for buttock enlargement.  Commercially available soft silicone buttock implants or Poly-L-Lactic Acid (Sculptra®) injections are used for buttock augmentation.   Implant selection is based on buttock measurements and patient goals.  They are placed through a single opening between the buttocks and positioned either superficial to the gluteus maximus muscle (beneath buttock skin and fat) or within the muscle.  These mechanical devices may re-position themselves over the highly mobile buttocks, and are subject to other complications such as infection, positional discomfort, implant visibility, and dissatisfaction with the result.  Sitting may be uncomfortable following placement of buttock implants for a variable period of time.  If the implants become bothersome, removal is recommended.  Although implants may be the preferred method of buttock augmentation for very thin patients, Dr. Laverson far prefers Brazilian butt lift (BBL) because of the much larger volume of augmentation that is possible and because donor fat is natural.  Poly L Lactic Acid (Scuptra®) is an inefficient and costly choice because several treatment sessions are required, the product is expensive for the large volume that buttock augmentation demands, and duration of Sculptra® augmentation is indeterminate.

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

Fifth and most effective and dramatic, if there is sufficient fat for aesthetic reduction of waist, flanks, thighs, abdomen and/or other areas, this fat may be grafted to the buttocks for augmentation.   This approach is the very popular BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift), and although buttock augmentation is relatively certain with fat transfer, the degree of augmentation cannot be precisely guaranteed.  Some grafted fat is always absorbed.  Overgrafting is commonly practiced, but if most of the fat successfully incorporates, buttocks may be larger than anticipated.  If excessive absorption of grafted fat occurs, buttocks may be smaller than anticipated, and secondary grafting or implants may be desired.  This is rare.  Recovery after fat grafting is tolerable for most patients.  Prolonged sitting on the buttocks is avoided for six weeks following the procedure to promote fat cell survival and to avoid compression and/or trauma of fat cells with a delicate new blood supply. 

read also Are Brazilian Butt Lifts Safe?

What is the “waist-to-hip ratio,” and what difference does it make?

Waist-to-hip ratio is the relationship between width of the female waist and width of the hips. The idea of an “ideal ratio” is subjective, but a waist to hip relationship of .65 to .75 has been judged in scientific studies and by modeling agencies to be most appealing. If the ratio is higher than .75, it can be lowered by narrowing the waist, by enlarging the buttocks, or by both shrinking waist AND enlarging buttocks. This is the BBL “Brazilian Butt Lift,” liposuction of waist and flank fat with transfer to the buttocks, and is among the most popular and successful plastic surgery procedures. Although exercising to strengthen and enlarge gluteal muscles can lift and add curves to the buttocks, many women want more, and easier. For these reasons many women opt for a brazilian butt lift surgery procedure.

BBL Brazilian Butt Lift San Diego Recovery and Results

A successful Brazilian butt lift (BBL) recovery depends on several factors, including how well you prepare before your surgery. In the weeks leading up to your butt BBL, Dr. Laverson will provide you with a set of instructions designed to help facilitate a smooth and quick recovery. Every patient is treated according to their unique needs with a customized plan, but general routines apply to most patients. Some common pre-operative and post-operative instructions for BBL surgery:

  • Stop smoking for at least 4 weeks prior to surgery
  • Make arrangements for time off work and for child care
  • Avoid foods and supplements that can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising
  • Confirm instructions with your caregivers and family members
  • Set up a recovery area in your home
  • Purchase one or more “BBL pillows” or similar buttock offloading devices to remove pressure from your buttocks for several weeks after the procedure.
  • Begin gentle movement immediately after surgery to facilitate healing
  • Sleep on your stomach and/or your sides for at least two weeks
  • Avoid sitting for at least two full weeks, or sit on the BBL pillow.
  • Take medications as needed and as prescribed by Dr. Laverson.
  • Wear your compression garment as recommended (remove to shower only)
  • Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages while on pain medications
    Shower OK, but no tub baths for two weeks (or until incisions have healed)
  • Resume your exercise routine slowly as able beginning three to four weeks after surgery
  • Avoid strenuous exercise until you’re able to do so without pain
  • Attend all follow-up appointments with Dr. Laverson

You will notice a difference in your shape and size immediately after your BBL, but you won’t see final results until six to twelve months later. Swelling resolves slowly, and your body absorbs some of the transferred fat. The shape and size of your new bottom typically finalizes around three to six months, though sometimes longer. Most patients retain 75 percent or more of transferred fat, though this number could be higher or lower.  Gaining weight after BBL will grow the booty. 

BBL results are permanent, but will change with body weight and aging. Maintaining a stable healthy weight after BBL is recommended

BBL San Diego before and after

Am I A Good Candidate for Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?

The Brazilian Butt Lift is an effective procedure for curving your body contours, but the ideal candidate should:

  • Be in overall good health
  • Be close to ideal weight
  • Have good buttocks skin quality 
  • Have sufficient fat on waist, flanks, and/or other areas for transfer
  • Have realistic expectations 

Patients who do not have ample fat for transfer may be able to achieve more feminine curves by the injection of off the shelf poly-L-lactic acid (Sculptra®) or with silicone butt implants. Those with poor skin elasticity may opt for a dermolipectomy flank-thigh-buttock lift. A consultation with Dr. Laverson is the best way to determine which butt augmentation procedure is best for you.  


The Brazilian Butt Lift in San Diego

For the best Brazilian Butt Lift results, it’s crucial to work with the best plastic surgeon. Dr. Laverson has a keen eye for aesthetics, skilled surgical hands, and decades of experience in body-contouring procedures. He also has a distinct passion for helping patients feel confident about their body, and he hopes to do the same for you. To find out more about BBL Brazilian Butt Lift or other plastic surgery services, call Feel Beautiful at (858) 295-4001   to schedule your in-office consultation today.

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