nipples sensitive

Why Are My Nipples So Sensitive After Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures today. According to statistics compiled by The Aesthetic Society, 365,000 breast augmentation procedures were performed in 2021, and another 148,000 people had their implants removed and replaced. Breast augmentation in San Diego is popular for a variety of reasons. The procedure can be used to enhance feminine curves and add volume, as well as to even out naturally asymmetrical breasts. Many women get breast implants to restore their breast shape and position after pregnancy or in later years. Others use the procedure to rebuild their breasts after a mastectomy. In the hands of the right plastic surgeon, breast augmentation can provide truly transformative results.


It’s also important to understand that even when you choose a highly skilled and experienced surgeon like Dr. Laverson, you will need time to heal. You are, after all, changing the shape of your body and asking your skin tissues to accommodate a breast implant.  Nipple sensitivity, for example, can be heightened following breast augmentation. Although this can cause discomfort, our bodies have truly remarkable self-healing powers, and as the body heals, this side effect typically subsides within a few weeks to a few months. 

Read on for more information why your nipples may be sensitive after getting breast implants—and what you can do about it. 


Why are my nipples so sensitive after breast augmentation?

Most people tend to think of breasts as beautiful, feminine and sensual. And they are, but on the inside, female breasts are also complex anatomical features consisting of glandular tissue, fatty tissue, connective and fibrous tissue, milk ducts, blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves. When a breast augmentation procedure introduces a breast implant into the mix, the skin and nerves must stretch to accommodate it. This process affects the myelin sheath, which is an insulating layer of protein and fatty substances that protects the nerves. This results in an increase in skin sensitivity, particularly around the nipple and areola, where the nerve endings are especially dense. The more dramatic the breast augmentation, the higher the likelihood of developing nipple sensitivity. 

Nipple sensitivity is very common after breast implants, but not everyone experiences it. And for those who do, it doesn’t always happen right away. If the nipples do become exceedingly sensitive, it typically subsides within a few months after breast augmentation surgery. In some cases, the sensitivity may not start until later, or it may last longer, depending on the individual’s healing process. 


How to ease discomfort from nipple sensitivity after breast implants

If you experience nipple sensitivity, there are some things you can do to help alleviate the discomfort, including:

  • Use bandages, pasties, or nipple hydrogel pads to minimize friction against clothing
  • Massage the nipples with a light oil or moisturizer to soothe nerve endings 
  • Massage the outside of the breasts and ribs to help compress the nipple nerve
  • Talk to Dr. Laverson about anti-inflammatory medications to help ease pain

After your breast augmentation surgery, Dr. Laverson will provide you with a set of post-operative instructions to aid in healing and minimize discomfort. It’s important to follow these instructions and stay in touch with us regarding any side effects or other concerns. 


Breast augmentation surgeon in San Diego | Dr. Steve Laverson 

If you’re considering breast implants, one of the most important choices you’ll make along the way is which plastic surgeon will perform the procedure. Dr. Laverson, one of San Diego’s top plastic surgeons, is well-known and highly regarded for his expertise, precision, and the level of meticulous care he provides to every patient. If you’re looking for the best breast augmentation surgeon in San Diego, call Feel Beautiful at (858) 295-4001 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Laverson today. 


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