Weight Loss in Rancho Santa Fe

Weight Loss is Easy in Rancho Santa Fe

After the first month or two of introductory lower doses, hunger seriously abates or becomes non-existent.  Yes, that’s the weight loss experience of weekly tirzepatide or semaglutide injections.  Our office in Rancho Santa Fe, CA just north of San Diego will inject the medication for you, and you WILL lose extra pounds.  The best way to apply these pharmaceuticals for lifelong lean is to develop healthy eating habits absent hunger.  Originally designed to go along with another fantastic hunger stopper, phentermine,  10x.diet promotes Nutrition Facts labels.  Pursuant to the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990, all food packages disclose their content so you know what you’re putting in your body… IF you read and understand the label.  In general, protein is structural, carbohydrates and fat are energy.  Everything else (vitamins and minerals) are micronutrients, required by your body in smaller quantities to function normally.  Extra calories (energy) that you consume is stored as fat.  For those who want to lose extra stored fat, the best application of appetite suppressant medication is to train yourself to eat what your body needs and limit consumed energy.  In response to diminished energy intake, your body “energy partitions,” which means your metabolism shifts to use your stored energy and mobilizes your extra fat.  PRESTO, YOU LOSE WEIGHT!  Our current prices for weekly tirzepatide injections:

Semaglutide Tirzepatide Dose Cost

Semaglutide is similar cost, and may be prescribed as an alternative.  Effectiveness of tirzepatide and semaglutide on hunger grows with the dose you are using.  Side effects are generally safe and tolerable, but also dose dependent which is why these prescriptions are best used with physician direction.  Call 858-295-4001 with questions.  Losing weight successfully demands more than medication, but is worth it for most who are carrying the physical burden of extra unnecessary stored energy.  Our medical, nutrition, and metabolic professional expertise adds value to the Feel Beautiful Plastic Surgery weight loss program.  For many who want to drop extra pounds, tirzepatide and semaglutide are great investments !

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