At his San Diego plastic surgery practice, Dr. Steve Laverson discusses the Gummy Bear breast implants, including the advantages and disadvantages of the innovative substance, as well as a frank address of the U. S. Food and Drug Administration’s approval process. Whether used in breast revision surgery, breast reconstruction, or breast augmentation in San Diego, Dr. Laverson says this type of implant not only provides a safer, rupture-free implant, but also improves overall aesthetic quality of the breast surgery.
Steve Laverson, MD, a board-certified plastic surgeon in San Diego, CA, recently discussed the latest advancement in breast enhancement technology known as the cohesive gel or form stable breast implant. Also described as gummy bear implants because the texture is a soft solid resembling gummy bear candy, Dr. Laverson says the implants offer a more solid consistency compared to the saline or silicone gel implants currently available. When he considers the gummy bear implants cannot technically rupture or leak, as well as the fact that they may improve a patient’s overall aesthetic quality with a breast implant revision procedure, Dr. Laverson says he would recommend the gummy bear implants now, even before the final approval from the FDA.
Despite the fact that cohesive gel implants remain one of the best-selling implants worldwide [1], they are currently only available in the U. S. through clinical studies sponsored by Allergan and Mentor [2]. Unsure of why the FDA has not approved these implants, or even offered an update on the status of the U. S. approval, Dr. Laverson says the speed at which the FDA progresses is disappointing because innovators within the plastic surgery community and patients hoping to receive the safest and most effective technology suffer from this inactivity.
While there are disadvantages to the cohesive gel implants—including the need for a larger incision to place the implant—Dr. Laverson says they provide a valuable alternative for select patients in whom these particular devices offer a more natural result. When he considers the enhanced safety benefits and international prevalence of the cohesive gel implants, Dr. Laverson says he would recommend them to his patients regardless of the impending FDA approval.
About Steve Laverson, MD, FACS
Dr. Steve Laverson earned his medical degree from the University of Maryland in Baltimore. He completed 10 years of postgraduate study in general and plastic surgery, and is certified by both the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Dr. Laverson’s has two plastic surgery locations in North County San Diego, near Del Mar, Encinitas, and Solana Beach, CA. His Carlsbad Feel Beautiful Boutique is located at 2907 Carlsbad Blvd. in Carlsbad, CA 92008; his Encinitas Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Office is located at 11199 Sorrento Valley Road #202 San Diego, Ca 92121. Both can be reached at 858-295-4001, or online at feelbeautiful.com or the Feel Beautiful Plastic Surgery Facebook page.
[1] Just Breast Implants. History & Rationale of Cohesive Silicone Gel Breast implants. Retrieved April 1, 2011 from justbreastimplants.com/breast_implants/history_of_cohesive_silicone_gel_breast_implants.htm
[2] U. S. Food and Drug Administration. Breast Implant Questions and Answers. Retrieved April 1, 2011, from fda.gov/medicaldevices/productsandmedicalprocedures/implantsandprosthetics/breastimplants/ucm063719.htm#15