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Good vs Bad Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery can be a wonderful way to freshen up your appearance, refine your sexy body contours, and boost your confidence.  Some people fear getting work done because they’ve seen some of the world’s most beautiful celebrities lose their looks to bad plastic surgery.  But here’s a secret: For every 1 woman you notice with bad plastic surgery results, you’ve probably 10 more women who have had such great plastic surgery that you didn’t even notice they’d had any work done at all. Here’s a little more about good vs bad plastic surgery. 


Good plastic surgery vs bad plastic surgery

  • Good plastic surgery is subtle in its effectiveness. It harmonizes the overall appearance rather than over-perfecting one feature so much that it no longer appears to be part of the whole.
  • Bad plastic surgery focuses on a single technique or feature and corrects it without regard to the context of the rest of the face or body, causing disharmony. 
  • Good plastic surgery is difficult to identify. The patient may look younger somehow, sexier, or more beautiful, but without knowing the person, it would be difficult to say what has been altered. 
  • Bad plastic surgery makes it obvious what has been altered because the alteration was not made in harmony with the other features.  
  • Good plastic surgery maintains natural proportions, resulting in an enhanced appearance with a subtle effect that is aesthetically pleasing.
  • Bad plastic surgery stretches, pulls, overfills, overcorrects, and loses sight of the natural proportions of the face and body. The unnatural effect draws attention to itself and is jarring to the eye. 
  • Good plastic surgery results in breasts with a soft sloped shape.  Soft, smooth, supple breasts that look and feel natural to the touch are signs of a breast augmentation done well soft. 
  • Bad plastic surgery may result in hard breasts, overly round breasts, or breasts that ride too high on the chest.  Breasts that are spaced too far apart or too close together are signs of a poorly done breast augmentation. 
  • Good plastic surgery leaves nearly invisible scars when possible.  A great plastic surgeon will always use the smallest incision possible and place it in a location easiest to hide. 
  • Bad plastic surgery leaves visible scars when it’s not necessary. Not every plastic surgeon has the skill, experience, patience, or the meticulous approach necessary to minimize the appearance of scars. 
  • Good plastic surgery allows for the natural movement of the face and body.  A highly trained and skilled plastic surgeon will be familiar with surgical techniques that work with the natural forms and contours and instead of against them. 
  • Bad plastic surgery often results in an obvious and unnatural immobility because the surgeon has worked against the musculature and anatomy. The skin may be pulled too taut, or a brow may be lifted too high.  Immobility is a clear sign of bad plastic surgery.  


Your plastic surgeon will make all the difference | Come see Dr. Laverson today

If you choose your plastic surgeon randomly, you’re taking a chance on your results. Good plastic surgery is not random. If you’re looking for good plastic surgery, you want a surgeon like Dr. Laverson, who is meticulous and precise and who takes his time with every single step of the procedure to ensure exquisite results. Call Feel Beautiful at (858) 295-4001 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Laverson today. 


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