For the most part MAKE THE DECISION FOR OR AGAINST YOURSELF, WITHOUT ADVICE FROM OTHERS. You do it when the feature you want to change is really bothering you enough to invest in the improvement. It’s a very personal decision, not one you necessarily want advice or help from others in making, for, or against. Only YOU know how much you want the change.
DON’T TRY TO GET YOUR MONEY’S WORTH IN QUANTITY (bigger lips or breasts, tighter face), get it in QUALITY. Corollary to this rule: more is not better.
IF IT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT PROBABLY IS, e.g. Melting away fat and inches off your waist by moving a machine over your skin. Corollary: Decide whether you want to buy hope, or reality (a real difference).
TAKE DRUGS. While you don’t want to be in a stupor, and a small degree of discomfort is good so you don’t run around like nothing was done and pull your sutures apart, the combination of narcotics and benzodiazepines many doctors prescribe provide a unique opportunity for a few days of unsurpassed drug induced euphoria that many addicts and junkies would envy. Enjoy the experience! Get ativan, Xanax, or Valium along with your Vicodin, Percocet, Demerol, or Dilaudid.
DON’T LIE ABOUT YOUR BRUISING OR SWELLING AFTER SURGERY. So many people get injectables and surgery these days, they’re likely to suspect you’re not being truthful. Losing your credibility is much worse than people knowing you had something done, plus, you get sympathy. Just say “I had Botox, or I had my eyes or lips done, it’s getting better.” lying about it doesn’t work, because not only will they know you had it done, but that you’re too insecure, ashamed, or embarrassed to fess up.
DON’T SHOP FOR “SPECIALS,” OR “SALES.” Your face and body are most precious the only ones you’ll ever own. Shop for safety, quality of the result, and trust. These may cost a little more than the lowest price around, but as it turns out, the most expensive procedure is a botched procedure or one you’re not happy with. These are expensive psychologically, damaging emotionally, and more financially costly because you often need it re-done. Find someone you trust whose results you like. Then either pay their price, negotiate what you can afford, finance it, or, if you can’t afford it, wait until you can.