Breast implant PROFILE is the same as breast implant PROJECTION. The two terms “profile” and “projection” both define how far forward from the chest wall the implant will project the breasts. Lower profile devices are more pancake or disc shaped, higher profile devices are more round than flat, like an M&M candy. Ultra-High or full implants are the most round shape, almost like a melon with a flat area on the back which rests beneath the breasts on the ribs.
Ultra High Profile implants offer women the choice of going larger. The selected implant must add enough volume to achieve the desired breast size. The available skin envelope of the breast must be sufficient to accommodate the device, and the base width of the implant (width of the flat side of the implant from side to side) must roughly match the base width of the native breast for the most aesthetic result.
Ultra-High profile or Full profile (Ultra-High and Full profile both describe profiles above high profile) implants offer a higher profile (projection from the chest wall) for the same base width of previously available implants. Selection of Ultra-High profile delivers a larger cup size and fills out excess breast skin better than lower profile devices. Disadvantages include added weight of the implants, the possibility of more breast skin stretching and breast sagging from larger size and weight implants, diminished nipple sensation from stretched nerves, and greater implant edge visibility because stretched skin thins.
Many women with Ultra-High or Full profile implants are very happy with their choice and have excellent results. More information about breast augmentation, breast implants, and expected results can be found on our site, and free consultation can be arranged online or by calling 858-295-4001.
Currently, MENTOR®, NATRELLE®, and TIGER AESTHETICS® offer Ultra-High and Full Profile Breast Implants. MOTIVA® by Establishment Labs will soon introduce Full Profile Breast Implants with their proprietary SMOOTHSILK® surface, designed to diminish the incidence of capsular contracture (firm scar that sometimes develops around breast implants).
The Ultra-High Profile Look
Breast implants come in all shapes and sizes. Choosing implants best suited to your preference and your body proportions is easy during consultation in our office because you’ll try implants on in the mirror and visualize your result in advance using our Canfield H2 breast augmentation simulator. Along with implant shape, position, surface (smooth or textured) and content (saline or silicone), the profile you choose influences your appearance and proportions.
see the photo gallery
What is the difference between low profile and high profile implants?
Implant profiles help you to achieve the best breast shape for your frame. The profile refers to the relationship between the implant’s base diameter and its forward projection. Implant profiles are generally categorized as low, moderate, high, or ultra-high. The higher the implant profile, the more projection the breast will have. Here’s a brief overview:
- Low profile breast implants provide little projection. They work best for those who want more natural appearing breasts, just a bit larger than their size without implants. Athletic and thin women often choose lower profiles to avoid the burden of extra weight and to appear natural and proportionate in competition gear.
- Moderate profile breast implants offer more forward projection than low profile and a one to two cup size augmentation. For the same base breast width, moderate profile implants provide more volume than low-profile implants and still appear natural. Women with little breast tissue to start but who want a natural result often select moderate profile.
- Moderate Plus Profile breast implants are similar to moderate profile, but with five to ten millimeters more projection for a bit more fullness. Moderate Plus devices may also appear natural, but because they are larger than moderate profile may draw a bit more notice.
- High profile breast implants project forward for more dramatic visibility. High profile devices produce breasts with a rounder more robust appearance.
- Ultra-high or Full breast implants offer the most projection and fullness, but also the most size and weight for a given breast base width. These implants may be quite natural and proportional for women with natural curves and perhaps a lower body shape they wish to balance with upper body volume.
At Feel Beautiful Plastic Surgery, the choice is yours. We offer the most contemporary approach with information and technology to support your decision process.
Call 858-295-4001 for more information or book and appointment HERE.