Smoothing the Nose for the Best Rhinoplasty Result

3 weeks ago
Dr. Steve Laverson

Rhinoplasty comes from the Greek root rhino = nose and plastic from the Greek plastikos = to mold or to…

Trends in Cosmetic Procedures for Men

1 month ago

The primary difference between cosmetic procedures for women and those for men is that men do not pursue procedures related…

Top Five Cosmetic Surgery Innovations and Advancements

1 month ago

Top Five Cosmetic Surgery Innovations and Advancements Five advancements in cosmetic surgery applications and techniques have dramatically changed the results…

Happy New Year, Happy New YOU!

4 months ago

Another revolution in the cycle of life, another year gone by and a new year begun with renewed opportunity, fresh…

How easy is weight loss now?

4 months ago

If the challenge of diet, fitness, and lifestyle changes required for weight loss have been an obstacle to your success,…

What is laser labiaplasty?

6 months ago

Labiaplasty has gained significant popularity over the years, and for good reason. This procedure, performed in-office under local anesthesia, aims…

4 Reasons the Nose May Be Crooked and How To Straighten a Deviated Nose

7 months ago

 A deviated or crooked nasal septum is the most commonly crooked part of the nose that may cause the whole…

5 Reasons You Want a Plastic Surgeon to do your Aesthetic (Cosmetic) Surgery

7 months ago

Many doctors calling themselves plastic surgeons and their business "Plastic Surgery"  never formally trained in plastic surgery, never passed formal…

10 Most Common Breast Implant Complications

7 months ago

 Capsular Contracture - A capsule forms around all breast implants after placement, but only when the capsule thickens, contracts, and…

5 Most Common Reasons Women Choose Labiaplasty

7 months ago

They are self-explanatory and repeated by nearly every woman presenting for labia reduction and aesthetic improvement.  More information about the…